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Created On: 2013-04-22 07:03:16
Members: 5265
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Description Edit | History

A video series devoted to demonstrating what it *feels* like
to play the latest and greatest board and card games on the market.

More Information Edit | History

The Runthroughs
The geeklist that started it all, with links to every video we've done. Subscribe here on BGG and you'll always be notified when new games are covered

The Other Stuff
The "other" video geeklist, where I announce every non-runthrough video we put out (including corrections vids, convention previews, interviews, and all sort of misc. stuff). Subscribe again to stay in the loop!

The Rahdo Guild! (
The very discussion forum you find yourself in now

My channel on YouTube! (
My YouTube frontpage is broken down by several different categories to help you find what you're looking for!

Help Rahdo Run! (
If you enjoy the show and want to support it, head over to my crowdfunding site for some exclusive rewards!

FAQ! (
Some Frequently Asked Questions

Coming soon! (
Updated at the start of every month listing which games I'll be covering next

My "to film" queue! (
Here's my list of shame... all the games I've got on hand that I haven't filmed! I've got a lot of work to do!

Gone gone gone! (
A list of all the games I've gotten rid of over the years, and why

Rahdo Talks Through! (
My Monthly audio podcast channel

Rahdo Talks Through videos (
The monthly podcast, but in video form!

The R&R Show (
The boardgame talkshow where Ruel Gaviola and I talk for hours about games & other things!

Rahdo Rambles (
My monthly vlog for Patreon subscribers where I go deep on all sorts of subjects!

Early & ad-free video access (
Patreon backers get to see new content days or even weeks early, with no ads!

A geeklist where everyone can make requests for what to cover next. Make your case and sway the voters (and/or me!)

Thumbs! (
The current standing of those requests (thanks to BGG user @Geroid for this awesome bit of scripting)

The Final Countdown! (
For those who are curious, here's a list of every game we currently own, ranked based on our favs to play, with links to runthrough videos where available (thanks again to @Geroid)

Countdown Redux! (
Here's that same list in a different format, sortable and with box art

Yearly Countdown! (
The collection list, but this time broken down by year! :)

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